Do labels help or hinder?

People often wonder if labels are important when it comes to neurodivergence. There are pros and cons to labels of course, that can mean acceptance or rejection, assumptions or understanding, inclusion or exclusion.

In an ideal world, everyone would be accepted as they are and the need for labels would be less important. However, as it stands, labels can be hugely important for self-identity and understanding, helping others understand you, and accessing resources and – in some cases – medication.

The challenge with labels is that they lack nuance, and people may stop seeing the individual and just see their acronym/s (ADHD, ASD, PDA...). At least, what they think those acronyms mean.

But as we all know, neurodivergence is a wonderful spectrum of traits and presentations, and meeting one Autistic person means you have met one Autistic person.

And this is why I always advocate that family, friends and teachers do this:


Step 1: Know the Child / Person


Step 2: Know the Neurotype


The Global Rise in Diagnosis


Traditional School Approaches