Help your child unmask

For many neurodivergent people, the minute they step out the door they are entering a world designed for brains different to theirs.

Classrooms, playgrounds, community spaces, public transport, shopping centres – these are largely designed for those with neurotypical brains.

This can impact your ND kiddo in many different ways. Sensory overload, a feeling of being out of place, systems that don’t match their needs, social rules that don’t match their social communication preferences. 

 They are swimming against the tide. And if they feel pressure to mask and adhere to ‘typical’ norms, then they will start swimming against their internal tide as well.

 So, what can we do?

 Well, we can change the world – slowly but surely equity and inclusion will improve as we all champion the absolute truth that difference is not a deficit. BUT until our plans to change the world come to fruition (easy!), I strongly recommend that you…


let your ADHD, autistic, PDA, magic-brain NDers relax at home.


Let them go with the flow of their internal tide, to be authentic and embrace the way their brain would like to be.

Make space for them to be themselves, to stim and info dump and crash into cushions. To not speak. To sing. To fidget and bounce. 

Safely allow their sensory seeking or avoidance, switch off the ‘big lights’ and grab the noise cancelling headphones. And enjoy your kid at their best. 


What is neuro affirming practice?